SEALING LOVE is a memorizing book on the life of Christ with 30 studies. The studies cover Jesus’ life from Gabriel’s visit to Mary to the Second Coming. Included are His birth, the passover visit, His temptation, several studies on His ministry, and ten studies on the closing events of His life.
There are from 10 to 16 verses and a matching inspirational paragraph on each study. The books are printed on 4- x 6-inch card stock, with a full color cover, and a coil binding. Each study has first-letter helps for easy learning. Cost $9.95
These memory books present Jesus’ character of love, which is the last message of mercy to go forth to the world. We see His love in every lesson--from the words of His conception in Mary’s womb through the story of His ascension to heaven. Meditation on His life, which is progressively revealed in these studies, brings His life into our life. The power of the Word transforms our nature and re-creates our soul in His image.
Our Saviour has autographed that message with His own blood, and His love is poured out for us on every page. His prayer, "Forgive them," while soldiers drove spikes through His hands and feet. His awesome decision on the cross, "I won’t go back to heaven without them, even if it costs Me My eternity," a commitment He made while the guilt of our sin shut Him from His Father’s love. His intercession today before the Father, "I engraved them on the palms of My hands." The power of Jesus’ life embedded in these studies brings the learner to a life and character that manifest His glory.
Worldly enticements lose their hold as this One fairest of 10,000 and altogether lovely takes abode within. The love that daily grows in our hearts brings with it an urgency to share what we know of Him: