Youth Ministry
The four books offered by SEALING TOUCH for young people 12 years and older are:
SEALING TOUCH Doctrinal Memory Cards SEALING LOVE Life of Christ Memory Cards SEALING FAITH Old Testament Memory Cards SEALING PROMISES Daily Devotional Studies for Memorizing and Prayer
The parents or teachers can plan 28 and 30 weeks of lessons with these books using the SEALING TOUCH Memorizing Prayer Journal, which gives specific plans for teaching, plus pages to journal a prayer. The ideas presented in the journal make the memory books an effective source to teach the Bible to the young for homeschooling, Sunday Schools, Sabbath Schools, and for worships.
The journal gives ideas for making the memory books useful tools for evangelism in vacation Bible schools, weeks of prayer, and in Bible camps. Plans are presented to use the doctrinal cards in a chain reference Bible marking plan to teach truth to unbelievers.
A goal of SEALING TOUCH is to encourage young people to memorize for the sake of making presentations in churches or for any program. These presentations may be individual readings or they may be choral readings, which will incorporate all the young people involved.
The teacher plans the reading, which the students practice daily with the knowledge that they will be performing in a worship service. They must speak each Word of the Bible carefully, incorporating into every delivery the skills that prepare for speaking the Word of God with power. The prayer journal gives specific guidelines for these readings.
SEALING TOUCH has a special plan for reviewing verses immediately on awakening, which makes learned verses the individual worship time with the Lord. On the day of the month that matches the number of the study, the student reviews those verses. This practice brings the Lord into the heart of the student at the beginning of every day. The plan also calls for teaching the youth to pray with learned verses, both aloud and in journaling prayers.
To make presentations provides a powerful incentive for young people to memorize, but other rewards are sometimes necessary. The world entices our youth, and we may need a special reward such as money, an outing, or a gift, to motivate them to get started. Bear in mind that the reward is only a means to an end. Once they start learning, teenagers hopefully become addicted to the powerful practice of Scripture memory. And we congratulate ourselves that we have been more than compensated for the reward we gave by the converting/cleansing power of the Word in their lives.
Each young person needs special attention. In my church, a young man refused to take part in Scripture memory presentations. Since he was artistic, he agreed to draw a picture of the sanctuary, while the other youth quoted verses from the three doctrinal studies on the sanctuary. With every line he drew and every verse quoted, the congregation gave a hearty "Amen," touching his heart, along with the hearts of the reciting youth, and the next presentation found that young man standing with the others to quote God’s Word.
After Christmas, a young woman from Arkansas shared how a group of young adults in her church learned the first two lessons of the SEALING LOVE Life of Christ Memory Cards, "Gabriel’s Visit to Mary," and "The Birth." They assigned parts, then presented the studies as a choral reading at a worship service in their church. She witnessed to the fact that it was an uplifting experience for the group, and the church family gained a blessing from hearing the Christmas story exactly as is written in the Word.
The youth can also be encouraged to write devotionals from the memorized studies to present for programs. As they pray for insight, then repeat verses in learning, their hearts thrill with the joy of special understanding the Lord gives from His Word.